The Christian Service Commission exists as a model and resource of Catholic social teaching to enable our entire parish community to put the social teaching of the Church into action. The Commission empowers members of our parish to fulfill the Church's mission of love, justice, freedom and peace under the mantle of evangelization by community responding, in an organized way, to societal and individual needs. The Commission creates and/or promotes programs that strive to address human needs and achieve justice whether locally or in the broader communities of vicariate, region, archdiocese, state, nation and world.
The Christian Service Commission consists of the following committees that help put into effect the parish vision for Christian Service: Contributions, Disability Concerns, Health Advocacy, Justice and Peace, Legislative Advocacy, Life Issues, Parish Service and Special Events.
Rev. Tim Wezner
Associate Pastor - Staff Liaison
Sr. Barbara Rund, OP
Pastoral Associate
The Catholic Community of St. Hugo of the Hills Parish will continue to evangelize and proclaim the Good News that Jesus Christ is Lord. We go forth as a sacramental parish in faith, hope and love, to serve the family of God, and to grow in our faith.
St Hugo of the Hills Parish
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