Parish Organizations and Services

Monthly Exposition, Adoration and Confession

First Tuesday of the Month in the Main Church

12 Noon | Exposition Silent private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament housed within in the tabernacle

5:45 pm - 6:45 pm | Confession A sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ in his love and mercy to offer sinners forgiveness for offenses against God and against your sisters and brothers.

7:00 p.m. | Benediction Concluding blessing rite for the rite of Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that, “Adoration is the first attitude of man acknowledging that he is a creature before his Creator. It exalts the greatness of the Lord who made us and the almighty power of the Savior who sets us free from evil. Adoration is homage of the spirit to the “King of Glory,”respectful silence in the presence of the “ever greater” God. Adoration of the thrice-holy and sovereign God of love blends with humility and gives assurance to our supplications.” (CCC 2628)

We can show our adoration to God in many ways, but in Eucharistic Adoration, we spend time adoring the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist.


The St. Hugo Altar Guild is an organization open to all women of our parish. Our mission is to care for the altar and sanctuary and raise funds that help with many charities serving the unborn to the senior citizens in the area. These funds are raised through our annual Rummage Sale in June and a major fundraiser in the summer/fall. In May, we sponsor a Healing Mass and luncheon for our nursing home residents and homebound parishioners. We organize two blood drives each year and a clothing drive in the fall. Our social functions include meetings, luncheons, outreach programs and opportunities to create friendships in an atmosphere of Christian and Catholic spirit. We look forward to having you join us. Your membership dues go to help support the many charities that ask for our assistance. Please call 248-644-5460 for the latest contact information. 


The Altar Guild sponsors two blood drives. These are held in June and November in the parish hall from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. All who can are encouraged to participate.
Contact: Lisa Kozemchak (248-858-7866)


This program trains and schedules servers to assist the priest at Mass. All students in the fourth grade and up are eligible to participate in the server program. Schedules are e-mailed to each server and are published each week in the Sunday bulletin.

Staff Liaison: Mason Brown 248-425-9789  -

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Troop 1037, Boy Scouts of America, meets weekly during the school year in the parish school on Wednesdays from 7:15 to 8:00 PM. In addition, campouts, hikes or service projects are scheduled each month. During the summer, scouts enjoy camping experiences at BSA Council Camps, and, for those who qualify, at Mackinac Island for a high adventure camping experience.
Contact: Bruce Calengor (248-651-7277)


Please call the parish office at 248-644-5460 for assistance


This ministry coordinates and serves coffee and donuts to promote fellowship and community in the parish. “Coffee and Donuts,” which includes bagels and juice, is offered following most 8 AM, 10 AM and 12 Noon Masses between Labor Day and Memorial Day. Parishioners and visitors gather in the parish hall or on occasion in the gathering space. Volunteer servers are always welcome.

Contact: Cynthia Turchetti (248-829-0265)


St. Hugo of the Hills Cub Scout Pack 1037 is affiliated with the Detroit Area Council of Boy Scouts of America and open to all boys attending grades 1-5. Monthly pack meetings are attended by the Scout and his entire family. Weekly den meetings are attended by the scouts, their individual den leaders and parent helpers. Pack leadership is provided by scouts’ parents who function as den leaders, committee members and directors of major activities such as Family Swim Night, Pinewood Derby, Family Roller Skating Night, the Fund-raiser and more.

Contact: Jeff Bruck (248-682-3855)


The Eucharistic minister program at St. Hugo involves approximately 200 lay ministers who assist in the distribution of Communion at all of our Sunday liturgies and holy days. Participation in this ministry offers the individual ministers a very special means of participating in the Mass. We are always very eager to welcome new ministers to our ranks.

Contact: Parish Office (248-644-5460)


Contact: Sofia Hull or call 248-644-5460


The Ladies of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Oakland County Association, Clothes Closet and Food Pantry (CCFP) is located on the beautiful grounds of St. Hugo of the Hills and provides emergency food, clothing, and nursery and household items to those in need, particularly in Oakland County, without regard to race or religious affiliation. Referrals from bona fide social service agencies are accepted. The CCFP is staffed by approximately 100 individuals who volunteer their time and talent on various days of the week. Volunteers receive, sort, size, stock and fill requests for food and clothing and/or household items for needy families, as submitted by social service agencies. The majority of our clothing and household items are donated by generous donors. Nonperishable food donations are also received regularly from individuals, schools and various parishes in our area. Shortfalls in these supplies are stocked by purchases of new goods and food, afforded through the generous support of our benefactors. A large portion of financial support is provided by St. Hugo Christian Service, St. Hugo Altar Guild, Hunger Barrel, Ladies of Charity-Oakland County Association, and individual gifts, grants and checks designated to the CCFP. The operation is housed in the southern half of the building located between the main church and the school.

We are open to receive donations Tuesdays 3-4:30pm and Thursday 10-11:30am

Interested in volunteering? Please call the Clothes Closet directly at 248-646-0920 or email

Please call the CCFP for the current information about our donation drop off schedule. The CCFP is closed the month of July.

Emergency calls for food are handled whenever the need arises. New volunteers are always welcome. The telephone number at the CCFP is 248-646-0920.
Contact: Charlene Krupitzer (248-646-0920)


Contact: School Office (248-642-6131)


The ministry of lector involves proclaiming the Word of God to His people at Masses and other liturgies. Lectors also serve as commentators, who read the Prayers of the Faithful and announcements. This ministry is ideally suited for those who have a love for God’s Word and a gift for public speaking. You are welcome to join this ministry.

Contact: Cecelia Kelley (248-561-1785)


The St. Hugo Parish Library is open for about 20 minutes following the Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 Noon Masses. In its thirteenth year, it has thousands of current books, CDs and DVDs for adults and their families. All items are available to be checked out by our parishioners. All checkouts require the assistance of one of our twelve volunteer librarians (or a librarian’s family member who is assisting in the library). If you would like a recommendation or have questions, or if you are interested in becoming a librarian, please contact Carol Cousineau.

Contact: Carol Cousineau (248-335-8353)


The Light of God Charismatic Prayer Group was started at St. Hugo’s in 1978. The Charismatic Renewal is an extension of the charismatic nature of the early Catholic Church and was inspired by the Holy Spirit through a group of students and professors at a retreat in 1967 at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. Some feel that the renewal was inspired by Vatican II when Pope John the XXIII prayed for a New Pentecost. The vision of the Charismatic Renewal is a Renewed Catholic Church through the renewal of its people by the power of the Holy Spirit: that the Holy Spirit will be better understood and relied on, and the people of God will seek and manifest the gifts of the Holy Spirit especially the Pauline gifts as presented by Paul in Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and 27-31 and Ephesians 4:1-14. This vision will be achieved through (1) a weekly prayer meeting, (2) Life In The Spirit seminars, (3) Growth in The Spirit seminars, (4) guest speakers and (5) active ministry of intercessory prayer for the parish and individuals as requested. Those involved in the prayer group are encouraged to be involved in other parish ministries. All are cordially invited to join us Monday evenings at 7:30 PM for our weekly prayer meeting in the Father Esper Room. “Come and see” John 1:39.

Contact: Marge Dilley (248-338-9533)


This ministry involves the washing and pressing of altar linens (purificators and altar cloths) as well as the care of other cloth items used during the liturgy. A "take-home" press is provided. Each volunteer is responsible for one month of the year.

Contact: Eileen Ball (248-568-5155)


The Constitution on Sacred Liturgy states, “The musical tradition of the church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater than that of any other art. A liturgical service takes on a nobler aspect when the rites are celebrated with music, the sacred ministers take their parts and the faithful actively participate.” The music program at St. Hugo’s welcomes all who wish to share their musical talents in one of the many offerings it provides. You are welcome to join one of the choirs: Liturgical Choir, Children’s Choir, Jubilate!, Cantors, or the Handbell Choir. Singers and instrumentalists who would like to become part of the music ministry should contact the Director of Music or the Music Associate through the parish office.
Contact: Mitchell Garcia - Director of Sacred Music  or 248-644-5460

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Contact: Patty Sinta or  248-644-5460


Meetings: First and Third Tuesdays of Month, 7:00 to 8:00 AM
The primary purpose of the St. Hugo’s men’s group is to facilitate monthly interaction among like-minded parish men about our lives and personal faith journeys, becoming more comfortable discussing our faith and getting to know Jesus Christ through casual, reflective conversations. All men are welcome regardless of age. We are not a club or a Bible study group. We do not gather to discuss sports or other customary “guy topics.” We come with open hearts and begin each meeting with a Fatherly Blessing invoking the Holy Spirit to descend upon us and guide us to become “better versions of ourselves.” Allow your soul to be receptive to His Grace, commit the small effort required and show up before work one morning a month. There is no cost or obligation involved. We simply extend a warm invitation to have you join us over some fresh coffee and bagels one day a month. To add your name to our email list, please leave your contact information with the parish office.
Contact: Dan Paton 248-701-4143


St. Hugo of the Hills Religious Education Program provides faith formation for children from Preschool through Grade 8. Classes are offered once a week in an after-school format, beginning in late-September or early-October and running through mid-May. Preparation for the reception of sacraments is incorporated into the program. First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are celebrated in Grade 2, while Confirmation is celebrated in Grade 8.  Contact: Religious Education Office 248-642-6062 
Religious Education Director: Sharon Williams
Religious Education Administrative Assistant: Julia Eisenstein


Contact: Sr. Barbara Rund, OP  248-644-5460 or

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Sacristan is a ministry for baptized and confirmed men and women who serve at Funeral Masses. Their duties are preparing the Eucharistic vessels, priest’s vestments, Lectionary, Sacramentary and the Altar and assisting the priest before, during and after the Mass. All volunteers receive a one-hour training session in preparation for their ministry.

Contact: Kathleen Juriga 248-229-9116

SACRISTANS – Infant Baptism

Sacristan is a ministry for baptized and confirmed men and women who serve at the celebration of Infant Baptism. Their duties are preparing the baptismal font, oil, towels, certificates, candles; seating of the families and assisting the priest or deacon before, during and after the celebration of Baptism. All volunteers receive training in preparation for their ministry.

Volunteers are welcome! Contact the parish office at 248-644-5460

SACRISTANS - Sunday and Weekday

Sacristan is a ministry for baptized and confirmed men and women who serve at weekday and weekend Masses. Their duties are preparing the Eucharistic vessels, priest’s vestments, Lectionary, Sacramentary and the Altar and assisting the priest before, during and after the Mass. All volunteers receive a one-hour training session in preparation for their ministry.

Contact: Tom Bowen 248-227-8196


Wedding Sacristans prepare for and assist at the wedding Mass, in addition to aiding and directing the bridal party (bride, groom, attendants, others, etc.). All volunteers receive training in preparation for their ministry. Volunteers are welcome!

Contact: Laura Kerby or Patty Sinta 248-644-5460


St. Hugo of the Hills School, Pre-K through Grade Eight, was founded in 1940. As a Catholic school, our faculty members are dedicated to the communication of Christian values as well as academic excellence. Alongside our exemplary core curriculum, an enrichment program of art, instrumental music, drama, computer, Spanish and physical education is offered to students. Our state-of-the-art facilities include a well-equipped gymnasium, cafeteria, library, band room, art room, science lab, computer lab and counselor’s office. Enrollment information can be obtained by calling the school office, 248-642-6131, during school hours.


This is an organization functioning to promote good rapport among the people concerned with the parish school. The PTG also gives support to various school-oriented activities and projects. Board meetings are held six times a year and are open to all parents. In addition, various PTG committees sponsor interim activities projects.


The Society of St. Vincent de Paul here at St. Hugo is a Catholic Lay organization that helps the poor and those in temporary need. We are a person to person Catholic ministry that sees the face of Christ in the faces of those who are suffering. Jesus said, "The poor will be with us always". They are found not only in the inner cities. They are also right here within the boundaries of St. Hugo Parish. Put into action your Catholic faith and serve those who are in need of your help.

Contact: St. Vincent de Paul help line  248-283-2204

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Membership in the Ushers Club is open to all members of the parish. The purpose of the Users Club is to fulfill the duties associated with church services as directed by the pastor and to participate in any other parish activities as agreed upon by the members at the regular meetings. Business meetings, which are announced in the St. Hugo Herald, are held when necessary with the annual banquet and election of officers occurring in May. Contact: Robert Lamb (President), Richard Rushlow (Vice-President), Rob Shermetaro (Treasurer)

Contact: Heather Peres-DaSilva (248-334-4533)

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The Wedding Rehearsal Coordinators are a group of dedicated volunteers who conduct the wedding rehearsals with the bride, groom, wedding party and parents. The coordinators rehearse the wedding procession, readings, lighting of the unity candle, and wedding Mass/service, etc. with the entire wedding party in preparation for the actual wedding ceremony. The wedding rehearsal is usually scheduled a day or two prior to the wedding date.

Contact: Patty Sinta 248-644-5460 or

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