
The organ in the main church was originally built in 1989 by W. Zimmer and Sons, with 59 ranks of pipes divided over four manuals and pedal. In 2005, major revisions were made by Cornel Zimmer, including a new console, the replacement of several pipe ranks, and the addition of a number of new digital voices, resulting in an extremely complete and versatile instrument. The façade's flamed copper pipes and fanfare trumpet provide a stunning visual effect. The original organ was a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. "Hoot" McInerney in loving memory of Martin and Marcella McInerney and John and Marie McFarland.

Cornel Zimmer, Op. 81 


Manual II Manual III Manual I Manual IV Unenclosed Great to Pedal 8'
Unenclosed Expressive Expressive Unenclosed and Expressive Open Diapason 32' Swell to Pedal 8'
Montre 16' Flute Conique 16' Bourdon 16' Stentorphone 8' Contra Bourdon 32' Choir to Pedal 8'
Bourdon 16' Diapason 8' English Diapason 8' Flute Harmonique 8 Prestantbass 16' Solo to Pedal 8'
Montre 8' Rohrflote 8' Hohlpfeife 8' Gross Gamba Celeste II 8' Subbass 16' Great to Pedal 4'
Flute Harmonique 8' Viole de Gambe 8' Bourdon 8' Grand Cornet V Bourdon (Great) 16' Swell to Pedal 4'
Gedeckt 8' Voix Celeste 8' Viola Pomposa 8' Corno di Tocco 8’ Flute Conique (Swell) 16' Choir to Pedal 4'
Violoncelle 8' Flute Celeste II 8' Viola Celeste 8' Trompette en chamade 8' Erzahler 16' Solo to Pedal 4'
Octave 4' Principal 4' Prestant 4' Tuba Magna 8' Octave 8' Swell to Great 16'
Spitzflote 4' Hohlflote 4' Koppelflote 4' English Horn 8' Rohrgedeckt 8' Swell to Great 8'
Twelfth 2 2/3' Nazard 2 2/3' Nazard 2 2/3' French Horn 8' Flute Conique (Swell) 8' Swell to Great 4'
Superoctave 2' Super Octave 2' Fifteenth 2' Cromorne 8' Erzahler 8' Choir to Great 16'
Sesquialter II Waldflote 2' Flute a Bec 2' Tremulant Choralbass 4' Choir to Great 8'
Fourniture III-V 1 1/3' Tierce 1 3/5' Larigot 1 1/3' Solo to Solo 16' Flute Octaviante 4' Choir to Great 4'
Bombarde 16' Plein Jeu III 2' Tierce 1 3/5' Solo Unison Off Nachthorn 2' Solo to Great 16'
Trompette 8' Cymbale III 1' Mixture III 1' Solo to Solo 4' Mixture III 2 2/3' Solo to Great 8'
Clairon 4' Bombarde 16' Basson 16' Chimes Contre Bombarde 32' Solo to Great 4'
Great to Great 16' Trompette 8' Trompette 8' Harp Basson 32' Swell to Choir 16'
Hautbois 8' Clarinette 8' Zimbelstern Trombone 16' Swell to Choir 8'
Voix Humaine 8' Clairon 4' Carillon Bombarde (Swell) 16' Swell to Choir 4'
Clairon 4' Tremulant Trompette 8' Solo to Choir 16'
Tremulant Choir to Choir 16' Chalumeau 4' Solo to Choir 8'
Swell to Swell 16' Choir Unison Off Solo to Choir 4'
Swell Unison Off Choir to Choir 4' Solo to Swell 16'
Swell to Swell 4' Solo to Swell 8'
Solo to Swell 4’
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