Template for Wedding Ceremony

Below is a template you may use for your wedding program when you are celebrating your marriage without Mass (Catholic and non-Catholic baptized, or Catholic and unbaptized). Use your "Together for Life" booklet that the priest has given you to help reference your selections (see italicized examples below). You should wait to write your program until after you have met with the priest to plan your liturgy. You can then use the choices you have made from the selection form in the "Together for Life" booklet to put your program together. You can also use the selections from the wedding music form to fill in your musical choices. Again, you will want to speak with the music department at St. Hugo ahead of finishing your program.



Music for Seating of Mothers: (include musical selection here) (list composer's name flush right)

Processional Music: (one song for both bridesmaids and bride)

Introductory Rites


Collect (Opening Prayer)

Note: No opening prayer is used if one is unbaptized and change title to Rite of Reception instead of Introductory Rites.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading (include name and numbers - i.e. Genesis 2:18-24) pages 16-32

Responsorial Psalm (include selection here - i.e. Psalm 103, The Lorid is kind and merciful) pages 36-37

Second Reading (include name and numbers - i.e. 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:8a) pages 44-67

Gospel (include name and numbers - i.e. John 15:9-12)


Note: Choose one or two readings if one is unbaptized (no Responsorial Psalm or Gospel is used)

Rite of Marriage

Exchange of Vows

Blessing and Giving of Rings

Lighting of the Unity Candle: (optional) (include musical selection here)

Prayers of the Faithful

Nuptial Blessing

Conclusion of the Celebration


Recessional: (include musical selection here)

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