Worship Commission

The Worship Commission is responsible for guiding the continuing liturgical renewal of the parish, which is a communion centered on the Eucharist. It serves the parish by providing opportunities for liturgical education, by preparing the liturgical celebrations, and through mystagogical reflection evaluating these celebrations.

The Worship Commission participates in the call for evangelization by its witness of sharing Christ with others through liturgical worship. 

In addition, it serves as the liaison for relations with other Christian and non-Christian churches and religious bodies. 

The Worship Commission consists of the following committees that help put into effect the parish vision for worship: Ecumenical Awareness, Initiation, Leaders of Prayer, Liturgical Ministers and Liturgical Preparation.

Worship Commission & Committee Membership List

Parish Staff

  • Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Tocco- Pastor
  • Rev. Tim Wezner Associate- Pastor
  • Sr. Barbara Rund, OP Pastoral Associate - Staff Liaison
  • Dc. Oscar Brown Permanent- Deacon
  • Mr. John Sittard- Music Director
  • Mr. Mitchell Garcia- Associate Organist
  • Mrs. Patty Sinta- Marriage Preparation Coordinator


  • Thomas Bowen - Chairperson - 2018
  • TBD- Vice Chairperson
  • Cecelia Kelley- Secretary, Chairperson Lectors
  • Eileen Ball- Chairperson, Linens & Albs, Wedding Sacristans
  • Phil Dailey- Co-Chairperson, Altar Servers
  • Marge Dilley- Chairperson, Leaders of Prayer
  • Marie Doyle- Chairperson, Wedding Rehearsals
  • Trish (Patricia) Harris- Chairperson, Ecumenical Awareness
  • Kathleen Juriga- Chairperson, Funeral Sacristans
  • Sr. Mary Ellen Keyes, IHM- Chairperson, Intercessions
  • Sharon Lucas- Evangelization Committee Representative
  • Michael Miller- Chairperson, Liturgical Ministries, Ushers Representative
  • Callie Schmidt- Co-Chairperson, EME
  • Tom Schmidt- Co-Chairperson, EME


The Worship Commission will seek to nurture our communal prayer through active participation in our sacramental life and liturgical celebrations.

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